Express Relay

SVM Error Codes

The following table lists the error codes and their explanations for the ExpressRelay (opens in a new tab) programs. They can be used to identify the cause of a failed transaction or bid.


FeeSplitLargerThanPrecisionThe proposed fee split is invalid (split is larger than FEE_SPLIT_PRECISION, 10000)
FeesHigherThanBidThe fees to pay out exceed the value of the bid amount.
DeadlinePassedThe bid is no longer valid, as the Unix time deadline has passed.
InvalidCPISubmitBidThe SubmitBid instruction should not be called via CPI.
MissingPermissionThe transaction is missing a SubmitBid instruction with the matching permission key.
MultiplePermissionsThe transaction should not contain more than one SubmitBid instruction.
InsufficientSearcherFundsThe searcher lacks the funds to pay the specified bid amount.
InsufficientRentThe fees splits received by different parties must be sufficient to cover the account rent.
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