EVM Error Codes
The following table lists the error codes and their explanations for ExpressRelay
(opens in a new tab) and OpportunityAdapter
(opens in a new tab) contracts.
They can be used to identify the cause of a failed transaction or bid.
Error | Selector | Explanation |
Unauthorized() | 0x82b42900 | This function is called by an unauthorized party. |
InvalidMagicValue() | 0x4ed848c1 | An upgrade was attempted to a contract that does not match the ExpressRelay specification. |
InvalidPermission() | 0x868a64de | The provided permissionKey is invalid (too short). |
InvalidFeeSplit() | 0x0601f697 | The proposed fee split is invalid (fee is larger than feePrecision, 10**18). |
InvalidTargetContract() | 0x5569851a | The provided target contract is not allowed. (e.g. can not call the ExpressRelay contract). |
DuplicateRelayerSubwallet() | 0xb40d37c3 | The provided subwallet to add has already been added. |
RelayerSubwalletNotFound() | 0xac4d92b3 | The provided subwallet to delete does not exist in the store. |
ExternalCallFailed(MulticallStatus status) | 0x740d0306 | The external call failed with the following MulticallStatus output. |
Error | Selector | Explanation |
NotCalledByExpressRelay() | 0xd5668c88 | The OpportunityAdapterFactory contract was not called by the ExpressRelay contract. |
NotCalledByFactory() | 0xb02436cc | The OpportunityAdapter contract was not called by the OpportunityAdapterFactory contract. |
AdapterOwnerMismatch() | 0x446f3eeb | The provided executor field does not match the owner of the called OpportunityAdapter contract. |
InsufficientTokenReceived() | 0x4af147aa | The specified buyTokens were not received after calling the target contract. |
InsufficientEthToSettleBid() | 0x9caaa1d7 | The contract did not receive enough ETH to pay the specified bid. |
InsufficientWethForTargetCallValue() | 0x5e520cd4 | The contract did not receive enough Wrapped ETH to pay the targetCallValue to the targetContract. |
TargetCallFailed(bytes returnData) | 0xa932c97a | The call to targetContract failed with the specified returnData. |
DuplicateToken() | 0x464e3f6a | There is a duplicate token in either the sellTokens or buyTokens. |
EthOrWethBalanceDecreased() | 0x1979776d | The ETH or WETH balance of the contract decreased as a result of the call to targetContract and the bid payment. |
TargetContractNotAllowed() | 0x9c86e59e | The provided targetContract is not allowed. (e.g. can not call the Permit2 contract). |
OnlyOwnerCanCall() | 0x47a8ea58 | Only the owner of the contract can call this method. |
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