Error Codes

Error Codes

The following table contains the errors used in the Pyth Network's Entropy EVM contracts (opens in a new tab). This information is derived from EntropyErrors.sol (opens in a new tab) in the Pyth EntropySDK and can be used to decode error codes programmatically.

Error CodesErrorError Description
0xd82dd966AssertionFailure()Contract invariant failed.
0xda041bdfProviderAlreadyRegistered()Provider already registered.
0xdf51c431NoSuchProvider()Requested Provider does not exist.
0xc4237352NoSuchRequest()Request does not exist or the request has been fulfilled.
0x3e515085OutOfRandomness()Provider is out of committed random numbers.
0x025dbdd4InsufficientFee()Request fee is insufficient.
0xb8be1a8dIncorrectRevelation()Revelation does not match commitment.
0xb463ce7aInvalidUpgradeMagic()Governance message is invalid.
0x82b42900Unauthorized()msg.sender is not allowed to invoke this method.
0x92555c0eBlockhashUnavailable()Blockhash is unavailable.
0x50f0dc92InvalidRevealCall()Invalid reveal call method. If a request was made using requestWithCallback, request should be fulfilled using revealWithCallbackelse if a request was made using request, request should be fulfilled using reveal
0xb28d9c76LastRevealedTooOld()Last random number revealed is too old.
0x5e5b3f1bUpdateTooOld()More recent commitment already revealed on-chain.
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