Error Codes
The following table contains the errors used in the Pyth Network's Entropy EVM contracts (opens in a new tab). This information is derived from EntropyErrors.sol (opens in a new tab) in the Pyth EntropySDK and can be used to decode error codes programmatically.
Error Codes | Error | Error Description |
0xd82dd966 | AssertionFailure() | Contract invariant failed. |
0xda041bdf | ProviderAlreadyRegistered() | Provider already registered. |
0xdf51c431 | NoSuchProvider() | Requested Provider does not exist. |
0xc4237352 | NoSuchRequest() | Request does not exist or the request has been fulfilled. |
0x3e515085 | OutOfRandomness() | Provider is out of committed random numbers. |
0x025dbdd4 | InsufficientFee() | Request fee is insufficient. |
0xb8be1a8d | IncorrectRevelation() | Revelation does not match commitment. |
0xb463ce7a | InvalidUpgradeMagic() | Governance message is invalid. |
0x82b42900 | Unauthorized() | msg.sender is not allowed to invoke this method. |
0x92555c0e | BlockhashUnavailable() | Blockhash is unavailable. |
0x50f0dc92 | InvalidRevealCall() | Invalid reveal call method. If a request was made using requestWithCallback , request should be fulfilled using revealWithCallback else if a request was made using request , request should be fulfilled using reveal |
0xb28d9c76 | LastRevealedTooOld() | Last random number revealed is too old. |
0x5e5b3f1b | UpdateTooOld() | More recent commitment already revealed on-chain. |
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