Update Price Feeds
Update the on-chain price feeds using the provided data
, which contains serialized and signed price update data from Pyth Network.
You can retrieve the latest price data
for a given set of price feeds from the Hermes API (opens in a new tab).
Executing this message updates the on-chain price if the provided update is more recent than the current on-chain price.
Otherwise, the provided update will be ignored.
Execution will succeed even if the update is ignored.
This operation requires the caller to pay a fee to perform the update. The required fee for a given set of updates can be computed using the GetUpdateFee query.
Reverts if the required fee is not paid, or the data
is incorrectly signed or formatted.
Argument | Input | Description |
data* vec<Binary> | The price update data for the contract to verify. | |
fee* Coin | The update fee expressed in the minimal native coin denomination. |
Example Code
import { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet, coin } from '@cosmjs/proto-signing';
import { SigningCosmWasmClient } from '@cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate';
import { GasPrice } from '@cosmjs/stargate';
const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic('your mnemonic here');
// neutron
const cosmwasmClient = await SigningCosmWasmClient.connectWithSigner(
gasPrice: GasPrice.fromString('0.1untrn'),
const address = (await wallet.getAccounts())[0].address;
const txResponse = await cosmwasmClient.execute(
'update_price_feeds': {
'data': ['<data>']
[coin(<fee>, 'untrn')]
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