Price Feeds
EVM Price Feeds Contract

Troubleshoot EVM Price Feeds Contract

This reference page is designed to help you troubleshoot common issues you may encounter when using Pyth Price Feeds on EVM chains. Follow the steps provided below to diagnose and resolve the issue.

getPrice() reverts with StalePrice() or 0x19abf40e error

This error occurs when the requested price feed has not been updated in the last validTimePeriod. The valid time period for the feed can queried using the getValidTime() (opens in a new tab) method.

To resolve this issue:

getPrice() reverts with PriceFeedNotFound() or 0x14aebe68 error

This error occurs when the requested price feed has not been updated on-chain, or the price feed id is incorrect.

To resolve this issue:

updatePriceFeeds() reverts with InsufficientFee() or 0x025dbdd4 error

This error occurs when the fee provided for updating the price feed is insufficient. To resolve this issue:

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