Price Feeds
in Near Contracts

Pyth on NEAR

Pyth price feeds on NEAR are managed through the main NEAR Pyth smart contract, enabling seamless interaction with on-chain data. In NEAR, these interactions are facilitated by specific functions within the Pyth receiver contract. This contract acts as an interface to Pyth price feeds, handling the retrieval and updating of price data.

The two Key functions in the Pyth receiver contract to get started are as follows:

  1. update_price_feeds (updates Pyth smart contract with the price feed you provide)

    • args: data
    • type: object
    • example: { "data": "504e41...' }
  2. get_price (fetches the most recent price stored in the contract)_

    • args: price_identifier
    • type: object
    • example: { price_identifier: 'f9c0172ba10dfa8...' }

These functions are core for interacting with Pyth price feeds in NEAR-based applications, providing a reliable and up-to-date source of price information.

For a full overview of methods provided by the NEAR contract, see the interface (opens in a new tab)] exposed by the receiver contract.

Getting Started

To get started with Pyth oracle you will need to gather the following information which differ between networks:

  • Price ID(s)
  • HermesAPI Endpoint
  • Smart contract address
NetworkPrice Feed IDsHermes API AddressContract Address
testnetNEAR testnet Price Feed IDs (opens in a new tab)hermes-beta.pyth.networkpyth-oracle.testnet (opens in a new tab)
mainnetNEAR mainnet Price Feed IDs (opens in a new tab)hermes.pyth.networkpyth-oracle.near (opens in a new tab)

Note: When using Price Feed IDs, you will need to remove the 0x prefix.


Updates the Pyth Oracle contract data with the price feed you provide.

  • args: data (off-chain hex-encoded price feed)
  • type: object
  • example: { "data": "504e41...' }

Update the Pyth Oracle contract with new price feed data in two main steps:

  1. Fetch off-chain price feed
  2. Update Pyth Oracle contract with off-chain price feed

1) Fetch off-chain price feed

You can obtain an off-chain price feed using Pyth's Hermes API (opens in a new tab).

To use these endpoints, you will need to provide a Price Feed ID and ensure you are targeting the correct network. See Getting Started for more information.

Here is a node.js example of fetching the latest price feed using /v2/updates/price/latest endpoint:


const axios = require("axios");
// There are separate endpoints for testnet and mainnet
async function getHermesPriceData(priceId, network) {
  try {
    let url;
    network === "testnet"
      ? (url = HERMES_TESTNET_URL)
      : (url = HERMES_MAINNET_URL);
    // Fetch the price data from the Hermes API
    const response = await axios.get(
  } catch (error) {
      error.response ? : error.message
module.exports = { getHermesPriceData };

z See full example on GitHub (opens in a new tab)

2) Update Pyth Oracle Contract Price Feed

After fetching an off-chain price feed, you can now perform a contract call to the Pyth Oracle contract to update. Call update_price_feeds on the Pyth Oracle contract deployed on NEAR with data as your arguments.

example args:

  "data": "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"

To perform this contract call you must first create a NEAR account which can be done using near-cli.

Fist, install near-cli:

npm install -g near-cli-rs@latest

This CLI allows you to simply run near and let the prompts guide you through the process.

To quickly create a NEAR account, run the following command (replacing your-new-account.testnet with your desired account name):

near account \
create-account sponsor-by-faucet-service \
your-new-account.testnet \
autogenerate-new-keypair save-to-legacy-keychain \
network-config testnet \

To perform a contract call to the Pyth Oracle contract, run the following command:


  • your-account.testnet with your account name
  • '{"data": "504e41550100..."}' with your off-chain price feed
near contract \
    call-function \
    as-transaction pyth-oracle.testnet update_price_feeds \
    json-args '{"data": "504e41550100..."}' \
    prepaid-gas '300.0 Tgas' \
    attached-deposit '0.01 NEAR' \
    sign-as your-account.testnet \
    network-config testnet \
    sign-with-legacy-keychain \

Alternatively, you can use near-js libraries to perform the contract call. For this example we will create a simple node.js project.

First, install the near-js libraries we will use:

npm install @near-js/client @near-js/keystores-node

To setup a NEAR connection, we'll create a connect.js file that will initialize an RPC provider and signer. This will look for your NEAR credentials in your .near-credentials directory.

// node.js imports
const { join } = require("node:path");
const { homedir } = require("node:os");
// near-js imports
const {
} = require("@near-js/client");
const { UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore } = require("@near-js/keystores-node");
// initialize RPC provider and signer
const nearConnect = (sender, network) => ({
  rpcProvider: getTestnetRpcProvider(),
  signer: getSignerFromKeystore(
    new UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore(join(homedir(), ".near-credentials"))
module.exports = { nearConnect };

Next we can create a update-oracle.js file that will perform the contract call to update the Pyth Oracle contract's price feed.

// near-js imports
const { nearConnect } = require("../utils/connect");
const { functionCall } = require("@near-js/client");
const sender = "your-account.testnet";
const receiver = "pyth-oracle.testnet";
const network = "testnet";
const PRICE_IDS = [
  // Price ids can be found at
  // NOTE: Ensure you are using NEAR specific price ids & remove the '0x' prefix before using them
  "f9c0172ba10dfa4d19088d94f5bf61d3b54d5bd7483a322a982e1373ee8ea31b", // BTC/USD price id
  "ca80ba6dc32e08d06f1aa886011eed1d77c77be9eb761cc10d72b7d0a2fd57a6", // ETH/USD price id
async function updatePythContractPriceFeeds(network) {
  // Connect to the NEAR network
  const { rpcProvider, signer } = nearConnect(sender, network);
  // Update the Pyth Oracle contract with the price data
  // Performs a NEAR function call to the Pyth Oracle contract
  // Deposit for transaction fee (balance will be refunded)
  const result = await functionCall({
    method: "update_price_feeds",
    args: { data: "504e4155010..." },
    deposit: 10000000000000000000000,
    deps: { rpcProvider, signer },
    `Transaction 👉${result.outcome.transaction.hash}`
  return result;

See full example on GitHub (opens in a new tab)

Although unused deposit will be refunded, you can calculate an estimate by calling the get_update_fee_estimate method against the Pyth contract.


Fetches the most recent price feed stored in the Pyth Oracle contract. Is a view method, so does not require a signature or payment.

  • args: price_identifier (unique price feed identifier)
  • type: object
  • example: { price_identifier: 'f9c0172ba10dfa8...' }

After updating the price feed, you can view the feed on-chain by calling get_price on the Pyth Oracle contract. Note that this is a view method and does not require a signature or deposit.

NEAR CLI example

near contract \
    call-function \
    as-read-only pyth-oracle.testnet get_price \
    json-args '{"price_identifier": "f9c0172ba10dfa4d19088d94f5bf61d3b54d5bd7483a322a982e1373ee8ea31b"}' \
    network-config testnet \

NEAR-JS Example

For this example we will create a simple node.js project. First, install the near-js\client (opens in a new tab) library:

npm install @near-js/client

Create a get-price.js file that will perform the view call from the Pyth Oracle contract. Note that this does not require a signature or deposit.

// near-js import
const { getTestnetRpcProvider, view } = require("@near-js/client");
const PRICE_IDS = [
  // Price ids can be found at
  // NOTE: Ensure you are using NEAR specific price ids & remove the '0x' prefix before using them
  "f9c0172ba10dfa4d19088d94f5bf61d3b54d5bd7483a322a982e1373ee8ea31b", // BTC/USD price id
  "ca80ba6dc32e08d06f1aa886011eed1d77c77be9eb761cc10d72b7d0a2fd57a6", // ETH/USD price id
async function getPrice(price_ID, symbol) {
  try {
    const rpcProvider = getTestnetRpcProvider();
    const result = await view({
      account: "pyth-oracle.testnet",
      method: "get_price",
      args: { price_identifier: price_ID },
      deps: { rpcProvider },
    console.log(symbol, result);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Error fetching ${symbol} price:`, error.message);
getPrice(PRICE_IDS[0], "BTC/USD:");

See full example on GitHub (opens in a new tab)

On-Chain Prices

For on-chain price interactions, see the example contract (opens in a new tab) in the Pyth Github repo for an example of how to update and use prices within a NEAR contract.

A CLI-based approach can also be taken for interacting with Pyth prices, see the (opens in a new tab) example script in the repository to see how to pull prices with the official NEAR cli.

Last updated on