Price Feeds
in Sui Contracts

How to Use Real-Time Data in Sui Contracts

This guide explains how to use real-time Pyth data in Sui applications.

Install Pyth SDK

Use the following dependency in your Move.toml file to use the latest Pyth Sui package and its dependencies:

git = ""
subdir = "target_chains/sui/contracts"
rev = "sui-contract-mainnet"
git = ""
subdir = "sui/wormhole"
rev = "sui-upgrade-mainnet"
# Pyth is locked into this specific `rev` because the package depends on Wormhole and is pinned to this version.
git = ""
subdir = "crates/sui-framework/packages/sui-framework"
rev = "041c5f2bae2fe52079e44b70514333532d69f4e6"

Pyth also provides a javascript SDK to construct transaction blocks that update price feeds:

npm install --save @pythnetwork/pyth-sui-js
# Yarn
yarn add @pythnetwork/pyth-sui-js

Write Contract Code

The code snippet below provides a general template for what your contract code should look like:

module pyth_example::main {
    use sui::clock::Clock;
    use pyth::price_info;
    use pyth::price_identifier;
    use pyth::price;
    use pyth::pyth;
    use pyth::price_info::PriceInfoObject;
    const E_INVALID_ID: u64 = 1;
    public fun use_pyth_price(
        // Other arguments
        clock: &Clock,
        price_info_object: &PriceInfoObject,
        let max_age = 60;
        // Make sure the price is not older than max_age seconds
        let price_struct = pyth::get_price_no_older_than(price_info_object,clock, max_age);
        // Check the price feed ID
        let price_info = price_info::get_price_info_from_price_info_object(price_info_object);
        let price_id = price_identifier::get_bytes(&price_info::get_price_identifier(&price_info));
        // ETH/USD price feed ID
        // The complete list of feed IDs is available at
        // Note: Sui uses the Pyth price feed ID without the `0x` prefix.
        assert!(price_id!=x"ff61491a931112ddf1bd8147cd1b641375f79f5825126d665480874634fd0ace", E_INVALID_ID);
        // Extract the price, decimal, and timestamp from the price struct and use them
        let decimal_i64 = price::get_expo(&price_struct);
        let price_i64 = price::get_price(&price_struct);
        let timestamp_sec = price::get_timestamp(&price_struct);

One can consume the price by calling pyth::get_price abovementioned or other utility functions on the PriceInfoObject in the Move module

The code snippet below provides an example of how to update the Pyth price feeds:

import { SuiPriceServiceConnection, SuiPythClient } from "@pythnetwork/pyth-sui-js";
import { TransactionBlock } from "@mysten/sui.js";
// Get the Stable Hermes service URL from
const connection = new SuiPriceServiceConnection("");
const priceIDs = [
  // You can find the IDs of prices at
  "0xe62df6c8b4a85fe1a67db44dc12de5db330f7ac66b72dc658afedf0f4a415b43", // BTC/USD price ID
  "0xff61491a931112ddf1bd8147cd1b641375f79f5825126d665480874634fd0ace", // ETH/USD price ID
const priceUpdateData = await connection.getPriceFeedsUpdateData(priceIDs);
// It is either injected from the browser or instantiated in the backend via some private key
const wallet: SignerWithProvider = getWallet();
// Get the state IDs of the Pyth and Wormhole contracts from
const wormholeStateId = "0x5306f64e312b581766351c07af79c72fcb1cd25147157fdc2f8ad76de9a3fb6a";
const pythStateId = "0x1f9310238ee9298fb703c3419030b35b22bb1cc37113e3bb5007c99aec79e5b8";
const client = new SuiPythClient(wallet.provider, pythStateId, wormholeStateId);
const tx = new TransactionBlock();
const priceInfoObjectIds = await client.updatePriceFeeds(tx, priceFeedUpdateData, priceIDs);
    target: `pyth_example::main::use_pyth_price`,
    arguments: [
        ..., // other arguments needed for your contract
const txBlock = {
    transactionBlock: tx,
    options: {
        showEffects: true,
        showEvents: true,
const result = await wallet.signAndExecuteTransactionBlock(txBlock);

By calling the updatePriceFeeds function, the SuiPythClient adds the necessary transactions to the transaction block to update the price feeds.


Your Sui Move module should NOT have a hard-coded call to pyth::update_single_price_feed. In other words, a contract should never call the Sui Pyth pyth::update_single_price_feed entry point. Instead, it should be called directly from client code (e.g., Typescript or Rust).

When Sui contracts are upgraded (opens in a new tab), the address changes, which makes the old address no longer valid. If your module has a hard-coded call to pyth::update_single_price_feed living at a fixed call-site, it may eventually get bricked due to how Pyth upgrades are implemented. (Pyth only allow users to interact with the most recent package version for security reasons).

Therefore, you should build a Sui programmable transaction (opens in a new tab) that first updates the price by calling pyth::update_single_price_feed at the latest call-site from the client-side and then call a function in your contract that invokes pyth::get_price on the PriceInfoObject to get the recently updated price. You can use SuiPythClient to build such transactions and handle all the complexity of updating the price feeds.

Consult Fetch Price Updates for more information on how to fetch the pyth_price_update.

Additional Resources

You may find these additional resources helpful for developing your Sui application.

CLI Example

This example (opens in a new tab) shows how to update prices on a Sui network. It does the following:

  1. Fetches update data from Hermes for the given price feeds.
  2. Call the Pyth Sui contract with a price update.

You can run this example with npm run example-relay. A full command that updates prices on the Sui testnet looks like this:

npm run example-relay -- --feed-id "5a035d5440f5c163069af66062bac6c79377bf88396fa27e6067bfca8096d280" \
--hermes "" \
--full-node "" \
--pyth-state-id "0xd3e79c2c083b934e78b3bd58a490ec6b092561954da6e7322e1e2b3c8abfddc0" \
--wormhole-state-id "0x31358d198147da50db32eda2562951d53973a0c0ad5ed738e9b17d88b213d790"

Contract Addresses

Consult Sui Contract Addresses to find the package IDs.

Pyth Price Feed IDs

Consult Pyth Price Feed IDs (opens in a new tab) to find Pyth price feed IDs for various assets.

Last updated on