How to Use Real-Time Data in Solana Programs
This guide explains how to use real-time Pyth data in Solana applications.
Install Pyth SDKs
Pyth provides two SDKs for Solana applications to cover the on- and off-chain portions of the integration:
Rust SDK
The pyth-solana-receiver-sdk (opens in a new tab) crate can be used to consume Pyth prices inside Solana programs written in Rust.
Add this crate to the dependencies section of your Cargo.toml
pyth-solana-receiver-sdk ="x.y.z" # get the latest version from
At the time of writing, pyth-solana-receiver-sdk (opens in a new tab) is compatible with Anchor v0.28.0
, v0.29.0
, and v0.30.1
If you are on v0.30.0
or any other version, please move to v0.30.1
Typescript SDK
Pyth provides two Typescript packages, @pythnetwork/price-service-client (opens in a new tab) and @pythnetwork/pyth-solana-receiver (opens in a new tab), for fetching Pyth prices and submitting them to the blockchain respectively. Add these packages to your off-chain dependencies:
npm install --save @pythnetwork/price-service-client @pythnetwork/pyth-solana-receiver
Write Contract Code
Add the following code to your Solana program to read Pyth prices.
Pyth prices are posted to price update accounts that can be passed to any instruction that needs price data.
For developers using Anchor, simply add an Account<'info, PriceUpdateV2>
field to the Context
use pyth_solana_receiver_sdk::price_update::{PriceUpdateV2};
pub struct Sample<'info> {
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
// Add this account to any instruction Context that needs price data.
pub price_update: Account<'info, PriceUpdateV2>,
Users must ensure that the account passed to their instruction is owned by the Pyth Pull Oracle program.
Using Anchor with the Account<'info, PriceUpdateV2>
type will automatically perform this check.
However, it is the developer's responsibility to perform this check if they are not using Anchor.
Next, update the instruction logic to read the price from the price update account:
pub fn sample(ctx: Context<Sample>) -> Result<()> {
let price_update = &mut ctx.accounts.price_update;
// get_price_no_older_than will fail if the price update is more than 30 seconds old
let maximum_age: u64 = 30;
// get_price_no_older_than will fail if the price update is for a different price feed.
// This string is the id of the BTC/USD feed. See for all available IDs.
let feed_id: [u8; 32] = get_feed_id_from_hex("0xe62df6c8b4a85fe1a67db44dc12de5db330f7ac66b72dc658afedf0f4a415b43")?;
let price = price_update.get_price_no_older_than(&Clock::get()?, maximum_age, &feed_id)?;
// Sample output:
// The price is (7160106530699 ± 5129162301) * 10^-8
msg!("The price is ({} ± {}) * 10^{}", price.price, price.conf, price.exponent);
Users must validate the price update for the appropriate price
feed and timestamp. PriceUpdateV2
guarantees that the account contains
a verified price for some price feed at some point in time. There are
various methods on this struct (such as get_price_no_older_than
) that users
can use to implement the necessary checks.
If you choose the price feed account integration (see below), you can use an account address check to validate the price feed ID.
Write Frontend Code
There are two different paths to the frontend integration of Pyth prices on Solana. Developers can choose to use two different types of accounts:
- Price feed accounts hold a sequence of prices for a specific price feed ID that always moves forward in time. These accounts have a fixed address that your program can depend on. The Pyth Data Association maintains a set of price feed accounts that are continuously updated. Such accounts are a good fit for applications that always want to consume the most recent price.
- Price update accounts are ephemeral accounts that anyone can create, overwrite, and close. These accounts are a good fit for applications that want to consume prices for a specific timestamp.
Both price feed accounts and price update accounts work identically from the perspective of the on-chain program. However, the frontend integration differs slightly between the two. Both options are explained in the sections below, and developers should pick the one that is best suited for their use case.
Price Feed Accounts
For developers using price feed accounts, the frontend code needs to pass the relevant price feed account address to the transaction.
Price feed accounts are program-derived addresses and thus the account ID for any price feed can be derived automatically.
The PythSolanaReceiver
class provides a method for deriving this information:
import { PythSolanaReceiver } from "@pythnetwork/pyth-solana-receiver";
// You will need a Connection from @solana/web3.js and a Wallet from @coral-xyz/anchor to create
// the receiver.
const connection: Connection;
const wallet: Wallet;
const pythSolanaReceiver = new PythSolanaReceiver({ connection, wallet });
// There are up to 2^16 different accounts for any given price feed id.
// The 0 value below is the shard id that indicates which of these accounts you would like to use.
// However, you may choose to use a different shard to prevent Solana congestion on another app from affecting your app.
const solUsdPriceFeedAccount = pythSolanaReceiver
.getPriceFeedAccountAddress(0, SOL_PRICE_FEED_ID)
The Price Feed Accounts integration assumes that an off-chain process is continuously updating each price feed. The Pyth Data Association sponsors price updates for a subset of commonly used price feeds on shard 0. Please see Sponsored Feeds for a list of sponsored feeds and their account addresses.
Additionally, updating a price feed is a permissionless operation, and anyone can run this process. Please see Using Scheduler for more information. Running the scheduler can help with reliability and update feed/shard pairs that are not part of the default schedule.
Price Update Accounts
To use price update accounts, the frontend code needs to perform two different tasks:
- Fetch price updates from Hermes
- Post the price updates to Solana and invoke your application logic
Fetch price updates
Use PriceServiceConnection
from @pythnetwork/price-service-client
to fetch Pyth price updates from Hermes:
import { PriceServiceConnection } from "@pythnetwork/price-service-client";
// The URL below is a public Hermes instance operated by the Pyth Data Association.
// Hermes is also available from several third-party providers listed here:
const priceServiceConnection = new PriceServiceConnection(
{ priceFeedRequestConfig: { binary: true } }
// Hermes provides other methods for retrieving price updates. See
// for more information.
const priceUpdateData: string[] = await priceServiceConnection.getLatestVaas([
// Price updates are strings of base64-encoded binary data. Example:
// ["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"]
Consult Fetch Price Updates for more information on fetching price updates from Hermes.
Post price updates
Finally, post the price update to the Pyth program on Solana.
This step will create the price update account that your application reads from.
Applications typically combine posting the price update and invoking their application into a sequence of transactions.
The PythSolanaReceiver
class in @pythnetwork/pyth-solana-receiver
provides a convenient transaction builder to help with this process:
import { PythSolanaReceiver } from "@pythnetwork/pyth-solana-receiver";
// You will need a Connection from @solana/web3.js and a Wallet from @coral-xyz/anchor to create
// the receiver.
const connection: Connection;
const wallet: Wallet;
const pythSolanaReceiver = new PythSolanaReceiver({ connection, wallet });
// Set closeUpdateAccounts: true if you want to delete the price update account at
// the end of the transaction to reclaim rent.
const transactionBuilder = pythSolanaReceiver.newTransactionBuilder({
closeUpdateAccounts: false,
await transactionBuilder.addPostPriceUpdates(priceUpdateData);
// Use this function to add your application-specific instructions to the builder
await transactionBuilder.addPriceConsumerInstructions(
async (
getPriceUpdateAccount: (priceFeedId: string) => PublicKey
): Promise<InstructionWithEphemeralSigners[]> => {
// Generate instructions here that use the price updates posted above.
// getPriceUpdateAccount(<price feed id>) will give you the account for each price update.
return [];
// Send the instructions in the builder in 1 or more transactions.
// The builder will pack the instructions into transactions automatically.
await pythSolanaReceiver.provider.sendAll(
await transactionBuilder.buildVersionedTransactions({
computeUnitPriceMicroLamports: 50000,
{ skipPreflight: true }
The SDK documentation (opens in a new tab) contains more information about interacting with the Pyth solana receiver contract, including working examples.
Posting and verifying price updates currently requires multiple transactions
on Solana. If your usecase requires a single transaction, you can reduce the
verification level of the posted price updates by replacing
by addPostPartiallyVerifiedPriceUpdates
in the
transaction builder. Please read the
VerificationLevel (opens in a new tab)
docs to understand more about the data integrity tradeoffs when using
partially verified price updates.
Additional Resources
You may find these additional resources helpful for developing your Solana application.
Example application
The Solana example application (opens in a new tab) is an end-to-end application that uses Pyth Network prices on the Solana blockchain and in a frontend.