Price Feeds
in Starknet Contracts

How to Use Real-Time Data in Starknet Contracts

This guide explains how to use real-time Pyth data in Starknet contracts.

Install the Pyth SDK

Use the following dependency in your Scarb.toml file to use the latest Pyth Starknet package:

pyth = { git = "", tag = "pyth-starknet-contract-v0.1.0"}

Pyth also provides a javascript SDK to interact with the Pyth contract on Starknet. You can install it using the following command:

npm install --save @pythnetwork/pyth-starknet-js

Write Contract Code

The code snippet below provides an example module fetching the STRK/USD price from Pyth price feeds:

use starknet::ContractAddress;
use pyth::ByteBuffer;
pub trait IExampleContract<T> {
    // pyth_price_update is the price update data from Pyth to update the price feeds.
    // It should be passed as a ByteBuffer.
    fn example_method(
        ref self: T, pyth_price_update: ByteBuffer
mod example_contract {
    use core::panic_with_felt252;
    use starknet::{ContractAddress, get_caller_address, get_contract_address};
    use pyth::{ByteBuffer, IPythDispatcher, IPythDispatcherTrait, UnwrapWithFelt252};
    use openzeppelin::token::erc20::interface::{IERC20CamelDispatcherTrait, IERC20CamelDispatcher};
    const MAX_PRICE_AGE: u64 = 3600; // 1 hour
    // Storage to store the Pyth contract address, the ERC20 contract address representing ETH, and the ETH/USD price feed ID.
    struct Storage {
        pyth_address: ContractAddress,
        strk_erc20_address: ContractAddress,
    // Constructor to initialize the contract storage.
    // * @param pyth_address: The address of the Pyth contract on Starknet.
    // * @param strk_erc20_address: The address of the ERC20 contract representing STRK on Starknet.
    fn constructor(
        ref self: ContractState,
        pyth_address: ContractAddress,
        strk_erc20_address: ContractAddress,
    ) {
    impl ExampleContract of super::IExampleContract<ContractState> {
        fn example_method(
            ref self: ContractState,
            pyth_price_update: ByteBuffer
        ) {
            let pyth = IPythDispatcher { contract_address: };
            let strk_erc20 = IERC20CamelDispatcher {
            let caller = get_caller_address();
            let contract = get_contract_address();
            // Get the fee required to update the Pyth price feeds.
            let pyth_fee = pyth.get_update_fee(pyth_price_update.clone(), strk_erc20.contract_address);
            if !strk_erc20.transferFrom(caller, contract, pyth_fee) {
                panic_with_felt252('insufficient allowance for fee');
            if !strk_erc20.approve(pyth.contract_address, pyth_fee) {
                panic_with_felt252('approve failed');
            // Submit a pyth_price_update to the Pyth contract to update the on-chain price.
            // Read the current price from a price feed.
            // STRK/USD price feed ID
            // The complete list of feed IDs is available at
            let strk_usd_price_id =
            let price = pyth
                .get_price_no_older_than(strk_usd_price_id, MAX_PRICE_AGE)
            let _: u64 = price.price.try_into().unwrap(); // Price in u64

The pyth_price_update argument contains verified prices from Pyth. Calling pyth.update_price_feeds with this value updates the on-chain Pyth price and ensures your application has recent price data. The pyth_price_update can be fetched from Hermes; Consult Fetch Price Updates (opens in a new tab) for more information on how to fetch the pyth_price_update.


Unlike Ethereum, there is no native token on Starknet. You cannot pass tokens implicitly when calling functions. Moreover, there is no concept of a designated payer account, unlike Solana. In Starknet, all token transfers must be performed explicitly by calling functions on the token's ERC20 contract. Regarding the Pyth contract on Starknet, the caller must approve the fee transfer before calling update_price_feeds or using similar methods. You can use STRK or ETH to pay the fee, but STRK is preferred. The fee is currently set to the minimum possible value (1e-18 STRK, 1 WEI).

The code snippet above does the following things:

  1. Call pyth.get_update_fee to get the fee required to update the Pyth price feeds.
  2. Call pyth.update_price_feeds and pass pyth_price_update to update the Pyth price feeds.
  3. Call pyth.get_price_no_older_than to read the price, providing the price feed ID (opens in a new tab) you wish to read.

Write Client Code

The code snippet below provides an example of how to fetch price updates and convert to ByteBuffer for Starknet using the pyth-starknet-js in JavaScript:

import { PriceServiceConnection } from "@pythnetwork/price-service-client";
import { ByteBuffer } from "@pythnetwork/pyth-starknet-js";
// The URL below is a public Hermes instance operated by the Pyth Data Association.
// Hermes is also available from several third-party providers listed here:
const connection = new PriceServiceConnection("", {
  priceFeedRequestConfig: {
    binary: true,
const priceId =
  "0x6a182399ff70ccf3e06024898942028204125a819e519a335ffa4579e66cd870"; // STRK/USD
// Get the latest values of the price feeds as json objects.
const currentPrices = await connection.getLatestPriceFeeds([priceId]);
// Convert the price update to Starknet format.
const pythUpdate = ByteBuffer.fromBase64(currentPrices[0].vaa);

Price updates must be converted to ByteBuffer before being passed on to the Pyth contract on Starknet. Use the ByteBuffer type from @pythnetwork/pyth-starknet-js package as shown above.

Additional Resources

You may find these additional resources helpful for developing your Starknet application.


The Starknet Interface (opens in a new tab) provides a list of functions that can be called on the Pyth contract deployed on Starknet.

Example Applications

Last updated on