Price Feeds
in Fuel Contracts

How to Use Real-Time Data in Fuel Contracts

This guide explains how to use real-time Pyth data in Fuel contracts.

Install the Pyth SDK

Use the following dependency in your Forc.toml file to use the latest Pyth Fuel package:

pyth_interface = { git = "", tag = "pyth-fuel-contract-v0.5.0" }

Pyth also provides a javascript SDK to interact with the Pyth contract on Fuel. You can install it using the following command:

npm install --save @pythnetwork/pyth-fuel-js

Write Contract Code

The code snippet below provides an example module fetching the ETH/USD price from Pyth price feeds:


use pyth_interface::{data_structures::price::{Price, PriceFeedId}, PythCore};

use std::bytes::Bytes;

abi UpdatePrice {
    fn valid_time_period() -> u64;
    fn get_price(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price;
    fn get_price_unsafe(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price;
    fn update_fee(update_data: Vec<Bytes>) -> u64;
    fn update_price_feeds(update_fee: u64, update_data: Vec<Bytes>);

const PYTH_MAINNET_CONTRACT_ID = 0x1c86fdd9e0e7bc0d2ae1bf6817ef4834ffa7247655701ee1b031b52a24c523da; // Mainnet Contract
const PYTH_TESTNET_CONTRACT_ID = 0x25146735b29d4216639f7f8b1d7b921ff87a1d3051de62d6cceaacabeb33b8e7; // Testnet Contract
const FUEL_ETH_BASE_ASSET_ID = 0xf8f8b6283d7fa5b672b530cbb84fcccb4ff8dc40f8176ef4544ddb1f1952ad07;

impl UpdatePrice for Contract {
    fn valid_time_period() -> u64 {
        let pyth_contract = abi(PythCore, PYTH_MAINNET_CONTRACT_ID);
        let period = pyth_contract.valid_time_period();
    fn get_price(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price {
        let pyth_contract = abi(PythCore, PYTH_MAINNET_CONTRACT_ID);
        let price = pyth_contract.price(price_feed_id);
    fn get_price_unsafe(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price {
        let pyth_contract = abi(PythCore, PYTH_MAINNET_CONTRACT_ID);
        let price = pyth_contract.price_unsafe(price_feed_id);
    fn update_fee(update_data: Vec<Bytes>) -> u64 {
        let pyth_contract = abi(PythCore, PYTH_MAINNET_CONTRACT_ID);
        let fee = pyth_contract.update_fee(update_data);
    fn update_price_feeds(update_fee: u64, update_data: Vec<Bytes>) {
        let pyth_contract = abi(PythCore, PYTH_MAINNET_CONTRACT_ID);
            .update_price_feeds {
                asset_id: FUEL_ETH_BASE_ASSET_ID,
                coins: update_fee,

The update_data argument contains verified prices from Pyth. Calling pyth_contract.update_price_feeds with this value updates the on-chain Pyth price and ensures your application has recent price data. The update_data can be fetched from Hermes; Consult Fetch Price Updates (opens in a new tab) for more information on how to fetch the update_data.


Regarding the Pyth contract on Fuel, the caller must pay the fee in the base asset for functions like update_price_feeds. The fee is currently set to the minimum possible value (1 wei).

The code snippet above does the following things:

  1. Defines an UpdatePrice ABI with functions to interact with the Pyth contract.

  2. Implements the UpdatePrice ABI for the contract, providing the following functionality:

    • valid_time_period(): Retrieves the valid time period from the Pyth contract.
    • get_price(price_feed_id): Gets the price for a given price feed ID.
    • get_price_unsafe(price_feed_id): Gets the price for a given price feed ID without staleness checks.
    • update_fee(update_data): Calculates the fee required to update the price feeds.
    • update_price_feeds(update_fee, update_data): Updates the price feeds with the provided data and fee.
  3. Uses the PYTH_MAINNET_CONTRACT_ID constant to interact with the Pyth contract on testnet.

  4. Uses the FUEL_ETH_BASE_ASSET_ID constant as the asset ID for paying update fees.

To use this contract, you would typically:

  1. Call update_fee() to get the required fee for updating price feeds.
  2. Call update_price_feeds() with the fee and update data to refresh the price feeds.
  3. Use get_price() or get_price_unsafe() to read the updated prices.

Write Client Code

The code snippet below provides an example of how to fetch price updates using NextJS, a full example can be found here (opens in a new tab).

import { TestContractAbi__factory } from "@/sway-api";
import PYTH_CONTRACT_ABI from "../abi/pyth-contract-abi.json";
import { arrayify, Contract, hexlify } from "fuels";
import { HermesClient } from "@pythnetwork/hermes-client";
  "0xff61491a931112ddf1bd8147cd1b641375f79f5825126d665480874634fd0ace"; // ETH/USD
const contractId =
    ? contractIds.testContract
    : (process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_TESTNET_CONTRACT_ID as string); // Testnet Contract ID
const pythContractId = process.env
  .NEXT_PUBLIC_PYTH_TESTNET_CONTRACT_ID as string; // Testnet Contract ID
async function updateAndGetPrice() {
  const fetchPriceUpdateData = async () => {
    const connection = new HermesClient(HERMES_ENDPOINT);
    // Latest price updates
    const priceUpdates = await connection.getLatestPriceUpdates([
    const buffer = Buffer.from([0], "hex");
    return buffer;
  const updateData = await fetchPriceUpdateData();
  const { waitForResult: waitForResultFee } = await contract.functions
  const { value: fee } = await waitForResultFee();
  await contract.functions
    .update_price_feeds(fee, [arrayify(updateData)])
      forward: [fee, hexlify(FUEL_ETH_BASE_ASSET_ID)],
  const { value: price } = await contract.functions
  console.log("Latest ETH/USD price after update:", price);
  return price;

Additional Resources

You may find these additional resources helpful for developing your Fuel application.


The Fuel Interface (opens in a new tab) directory contains multiple files that define the functions and structures for interacting with the Pyth contract deployed on Fuel.

Example Applications

Last updated on