Price Feeds
pyth-client Websocket API

pyth-agent API

pyth-agent (opens in a new tab) supports a websocket interface based on the json-rpc 2.0 standard. Methods include:

Batch requests are processed in the order the requests appear within the batch. Batching is highly recommended if the client sends updates to over 50 price feeds.


Get the list of available symbols and associated metadata.

Please note that all of the fields in the attr_dict dictionary should be considered optional: your publishing software should gracefully handle cases where any of these fields are missing.

The request looks like:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_product_list",
  "id": 1

A successful response looks something like:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "account": "9F6eBgAfktth93C9zmtKDXFXNjZkq6JwJR56VPKqWmJm",
      "attr_dict": {
        "symbol": "SYMBOL1/USD",
        "asset_type": "Equity",
        "country": "USA",
        "description": "pyth example product #1",
        "quote_currency": "USD",
        "tenor": "Spot",
        "cms_symbol": "SYMBOL1",
        "cqs_symbol": "SYMBOL1",
        "nasdaq_symbol": "SYMBOL1"
      "price": [
          "account": "CrZCEEt3awgkGLnVbsv45Pp4aLhr7fZfZr3ubzrbNXaq",
          "price_exponent": -4,
          "price_type": "price"
      "account": "HCFaDYyz1ajS57HfCaaqzA1cZSaa2oEccQejbHaaofd4",
      "attr_dict": {
        "symbol": "SYMBOL2/USD",
        "asset_type": "Equity",
        "country": "USA",
        "description": "pyth example product #2",
        "quote_currency": "USD",
        "tenor": "Spot",
        "cms_symbol": "SYMBOL2",
        "cqs_symbol": "SYMBOL2",
        "nasdaq_symbol": "SYMBOL2"
      "price": [
          "account": "7FUsKvvtN5rB1fgYFWZLo5DLcqHTTeu63bUPThYT6MiS",
          "price_exponent": -4,
          "price_type": "price"
  "id": null


Update component price of some symbols using the publishing key of pyth-agent.

The request includes the pricing account from the get_product_list output and looks something like:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "update_price",
  "params": {
    "account": "CrZCEEt3awgkGLnVbsv45Pp4aLhr7fZfZr3ubzrbNXaq",
    "price": 42002,
    "conf": 3,
    "status": "trading"
  "id": 1

The price and confidence interval (conf) attributes are expressed as integers with an implied decimal point given by the priceexponent defined by the symbol. The price type is a string with one of the following values: "price" or "ema_price". The symbol status is a string with one of the following values: "trading" or "unknown".

A successful response looks like:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": 0,
  "id": 1


This method can saturate the connection between the agent and the client. Please create a scheduler on the client side to avoid saturating the connection or send price updates as soon as they are available.

Subscribe to price update schedule. pyth-agent will notify the client whenever it should submit the next price for a subscribed symbol.

The request looks like:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "subscribe_price_sched",
  "params": {
    "account": "CrZCEEt3awgkGLnVbsv45Pp4aLhr7fZfZr3ubzrbNXaq"
  "id": 1

A successful response looks like:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "subscription": 1234
  "id": 1

Where the result is an integer corresponding to a subscription identifier. All subsequent notifications for this subscription correspond to this identifier.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "notify_price_sched",
  "params": {
    "subscription": 1234


Get the full set of data for the given product.

Please note that all of the fields in the attr_dict dictionary should be considered optional: your publishing software should gracefully handle cases where any of these fields are missing.

The request looks like:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_product",
  "params": {
    "account": "4aDoSXJ5o3AuvL7QFeR6h44jALQfTmUUCTVGDD6aoJTM"
  "id": 1

A successful response looks something like:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "account": "4aDoSXJ5o3AuvL7QFeR6h44jALQfTmUUCTVGDD6aoJTM",
    "attr_dict": {
      "asset_type": "Crypto",
      "symbol": "BTC/USD",
      "country": "US",
      "quote_currency": "USD",
      "description": "BTC/USD",
      "tenor": "Spot",
      "generic_symbol": "BTCUSD"
    "price_accounts": [
        "account": "GVXRSBjFk6e6J3NbVPXohDJetcTjaeeuykUpbQF8UoMU",
        "price_type": "price",
        "price_exponent": -8,
        "status": "trading",
        "price": 4426101900000,
        "conf": 4271150000,
        "ema_price": 4433467600000,
        "ema_confidence": 1304202670,
        "valid_slot": 91402257,
        "pub_slot": 91402259,
        "prev_slot": 91402256,
        "prev_price": 4425895500000,
        "prev_conf": 3315350000,
        "publisher_accounts": [
            "account": "HekM1hBawXQu6wK6Ah1yw1YXXeMUDD2bfCHEzo25vnEB",
            "status": "trading",
            "price": 4426958500000,
            "conf": 1492500000,
            "slot": 91402255
            "account": "GKNcUmNacSJo4S2Kq3DuYRYRGw3sNUfJ4tyqd198t6vQ",
            "status": "trading",
            "price": 4424690000000,
            "conf": 3690000000,
            "slot": 91402256
  "id": 1


Get full set of data for the given product.

Please note that all of the fields in the attr_dict dictionary should be considered optional: your publishing software should gracefully handle cases where any of these fields are missing.

The request looks like:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_all_products",
  "id": 1

A successful response looks something like:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "account": "5uKdRzB3FzdmwyCHrqSGq4u2URja617jqtKkM71BVrkw",
      "attr_dict": {
        "asset_type": "Crypto",
        "symbol": "BCH/USD",
        "country": "US",
        "quote_currency": "USD",
        "description": "BCH/USD",
        "tenor": "Spot",
        "generic_symbol": "BCHUSD"
      "price_accounts": [
          "account": "5ALDzwcRJfSyGdGyhP3kP628aqBNHZzLuVww7o9kdspe",
          "price_type": "price",
          "price_exponent": -8,
          "status": "trading",
          "price": 60282000000,
          "conf": 26000000,
          "ema_price": 60321475000,
          "ema_confidence": 22504746,
          "valid_slot": 91402601,
          "pub_slot": 91402604,
          "prev_slot": 91402600,
          "prev_price": 60282000000,
          "prev_conf": 26000000,
          "publisher_accounts": [
              "account": "HekM1hBawXQu6wK6Ah1yw1YXXeMUDD2bfCHEzo25vnEB",
              "status": "trading",
              "price": 60282000000,
              "conf": 26000000,
              "slot": 91402599
              "account": "2V7t5NaKY7aGkwytCWQgvUYZfEr9XMwNChhJEakTExk6",
              "status": "unknown",
              "price": 0,
              "conf": 0,
              "slot": 0
      "account": "3nuELNFBkbXqsXtnCzphRPCX6toKKYxVDnkyr9pTwB1K",
      "attr_dict": {
        "asset_type": "Crypto",
        "symbol": "SABER/USD",
        "country": "US",
        "quote_currency": "USD",
        "description": "SABER/USD",
        "tenor": "Spot",
        "generic_symbol": "SABERUSD"
      "price_accounts": [
          "account": "8Td9VML1nHxQK6M8VVyzsHo32D7VBk72jSpa9U861z2A",
          "price_type": "price",
          "price_exponent": -8,
          "status": "trading",
          "price": 5785000,
          "conf": 5000,
          "ema_price": 5856365,
          "ema_confidence": 10241,
          "valid_slot": 91402601,
          "pub_slot": 91402604,
          "prev_slot": 91402600,
          "prev_price": 5785000,
          "prev_conf": 5000,
          "publisher_accounts": [
              "account": "GKNcUmNacSJo4S2Kq3DuYRYRGw3sNUfJ4tyqd198t6vQ",
              "status": "trading",
              "price": 5785000,
              "conf": 5000,
              "slot": 91402601
  "id": 1
Last updated on